Just in time for the Shazam movie, a new printing of Jeff’s version of Captain Marvel! Available in February from DC Comics.

Newsarama Editor’s Note: With talk of Warner Bros.’s Shazam beginning filming next year, and the character – possibly even by his original name, Captain Marvel – returning to the DCU with Dark Nights: Metal, Newsarama has dusted off our 2011 Oral History...

The Israeli Cartoon Museum’s comics exhibition (of underdogs who became superheroes) is now open. Here are some photos from the opening reception. Jeff’s Captain Marvel story is included! This exhibit runs through November...

Bizarro Back Issues: Captain Marvel’s Inexplicable Visit to Columbus, Ohio 1946 (Courtesy of Comics Alliance)http://comicsalliance.com/bizarro-back-issues-captain-marvel-columbus-ohio-1946/

The Israeli Cartoon Museum is hosting a comics exhibition of a few origin stories of underdogs who became superheroes—one of them being Shazam (featuring Jeff Smith’s take on Captain Marvel) Running March 2017 through November 2017....